
Showing posts from February, 2012

2-Channel 12V RF Remote Control Transmitter Receiver 315/433MHz

This 2 channel rf remote control kit operates in toggle, momentary, latched and toggle+momentary mode (set the mode as you like freely). It is great for hard to reach lights or other DC/AC electrical devices. You can use it to control two same or different electrical devices. For example, turn on/off the light and open/close the door. Control lights, motors, fans, electrically operated doors / locks / windows / blinds / cars or other appliances . The video takes light control for example. More information please visit

4 Channel 12VDC RF Transmitter Receiver Control Light

This 4-channel rf transmitter receiver operates in toggle, momentary and latched mode (set the mode as you like freely). You can use it to control at most four same or different electrical devices. For example, turn on/off the light, open/close the door. Control lights, motors, fans, electrically operated doors / locks / windows / blinds / cars or other appliances . The video takes light control for example. More information please visit